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Μαύρο Ρόδο Season 1 Episode 37 : Episode 37
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Title:Mavro Rodo
Genre: Drama
Air Date: 2022-12-12
Season Number: 1
Episodes Number: 37
Overview: Indeed, in the new series of MEGA "Black Rose" we will see several changes in the case, regarding the book. At the center of our story will be Sister Elizabeth, who has dedicated her life to God. As a child she had contracted meningitis and her parents sent her to Panagia, as a result, when the girl recovered, they urged her to follow the monastic life.After a big earthquake, the monastery shows cracks and huge damages. The abbess asks Sister Elisabeth, who is still a probationary nun, to go to her village outside Ioannina for a while until the damage is repaired. There, Sister Elizabeth will attend the party organized by her step-sister and meet the young man who will steal her heart. He, completely in love with her, will chase her to the monastery. This love will put the nun in a dilemma: Should she follow her heart and fall in love or remain in the choice of monastic life?
Stars: Fotini Papatheodorou (Ελισάβετ), , Michail Tabakakis (Πέτρος Καστρινός), , Leonidas Kakouris (Θέμης Καστρινός), , Yiannis Koukourakis (Βίκος), , Katerina Didaskalou (Ηγουμένη Φιλαρέτη), , Electra Nikolouzou (Αγγελική Σπηλιώτη Καστρινού), , Theofania Papathoma (Πολυξένη Βελιώτη), , Gerasimos Skiadaresis (Λευτέρης Βελιώτης), , Eleni Karakasi (Ευτυχία Δημακούλη), , Loukia Papadaki (Κύρα Σπηλιώτη), , Lena Papaligoura (Ισμήνη Βελιώτη), , Sofia Seirli (Μοναχή Αυξεντία), , Efthalia Papacosta (Όλγα), , Mirto Alikaki (Μοναχή Κασσιανή), , Maria-Nefeli Douka (Γιάννα Δημακούλη), , Nikos Polideropoulos (Σταυρίνος Mπόγρης), , Nikos Koukas (Γεράσιμος Δημακούλης), , Nikos Gelia (Σαράντος Διακοσάββας), , Leonidas Marakis (Γιώργος Μπόγρης), , Drosos Skotis (Μανόλης Δημακούλης), , Peny Agorastou (Τασούλα), , Nefeli Kouri (Αλεξία Καστρινού), , Mihalis Artemisiadis (Παναγιώτης Βλάχος), , Dimitris Papavasiliou (Φραγκίσκος Χατζόπουλος), , Leyteris Tsatsis (Μητροπολίτης Χρυσόστομος), , Katerina Maoutsou (Νατάσα Στεργίου),